Formal Commitment to Continuous Professional Development.


ACI Global Pty Ltd

Trading as ACI Global

ASIC Australian Company Number (ACN): 110 019 460

ASIC Australian Business Number (ABN): 68110019460

Candidates Details
  • Candidates Given Name:.........................
  • Candidates Family Name:........................
  • Candidates Email Address:........................
  • Candidates Phone Number:.......................Country Code ....
Sponsoring Organisations Details
  • Sponsoring Organisations Given Name:.........................
  • Sponsoring Organisations Address:........................
  • Sponsoring Organisations nominated support Person:........................
  • Sponsoring Organisations nominated support persons Phone Number:.......................Country Code ....
Continuous Professional Development Objective

That the Candidate, Sponsoring Organisation and ACI Global are committed to ensure the candidate completes the required Professional Leadership Development together with a further commitment to ongoing Continuous Professional Development within the scope of the learning and personal certification and sustained success of the sponsoring organisation.

ACI Global will provide ongoing CPD through its professional membership services including, learning, assessment, and ISO Personal Certification through review of records, feedback, interviews, observation, testing and post audit, evaluation reviews for a period of three years from the issue date displayed on the candidates:

  • Certificate of competence;
  • Diploma; and/or
  • Candidate’s re certification and ongoing commitment to ISO Personal Certification;
  • Certificate of "Sustained Success" to the Sponsoring Organisation.

Terms and Definitions: For a List of all ACI Global's Terms and Definitions please refer to ACI Global’s Learning Services Manual "Terms and Definitions"

Statement of Commitment to Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
  • Program/Course Title:.....................
  • Standards covered:(Please list all standards referenced in your program or course (1 – Introduction Standards Covered):
    • Standard ISO 9001:2015 (for example);
    • Standard ...............
    • Standard ...............
    • Standard ...............
    • Standard ...............
    • Standard ...............
Commitment Undertaking

“The Parties” means: ACI Global Pty Ltd, The Candidate and their Sponsoring Organisation

ACI Global Pty Ltd: commits to provide additional services including maintaining a professional Register of Candidates, membership details including outcomes of learning, assessment and examination of the “Candidate” so as to:

  1. Enable the “Candidate” to commit to a period of CPD;
  2. Provide a "Mentor" to assist the candidate in accelerating continuous improvement (ACI) in their professional development journey for the period of the CPD agreement;
  3. Continuous Competency Assessments over the given ISO Personal Certification period; and,
  4. Ensuring the “Candidates” skill set is always maintained at the highest level.

As the “Candidate” with the support of the Sponsoring Organisation hereby agree:

  1. To complete nominated learning and certification outcomes as outlined within the course Learning Process, Course Objectives and Curriculum and or professional leadership development in the time frame specified and agreed between both parties;
    To undertake and complete on time all necessary assessment tasks and associated examinations as required.
  2. To commit to a period of (CPD) over the life of their ISO Personal Certification as a “Business Professional” (Facilitator, Auditor, Lead Auditor, Consultant, Advisor or Graduate) with ACI Global;
  3. As the candidate I understand that the commitment by ACI Global including professional membership is at no additional cost as this is part of ACI Global’s Commitment to my (CPD) and is all inclusive in the price of their nominated learning, assessment or examination course or programme;
  4. As the candidate I commit as part of my (CPD) to undertake the following:
    1. To Submit into the secure ACI Academy Competency assessment evidence of a minimum of 40 Hrs Professional Leadership Development undertaken during the year to include but not limited to either Registered Learning, Audit log sheets for first (internal), second and or third party audits including where appropriate regulatory audits, Interviews, Facilitations and or Moderation sessions;
    2. Submit to a minimum of one "Witnessed Activity” per year either by Microsoft Teams or similar medium or if impractical to do so, video taped during a telephone hook-up. The Witnessed Activity of an "Event" undertaken by the Candidate, will be conducted in line with the International Accreditation Forums (IAF) signatory bodies Guidelines (JAS-ANZ for example), for auditor and or professional’s personal evaluation;
    3. Complete all necessary membership details, program/course updates and related verification of competency (VOC) assessments through:
      1. review of records;
      2. feedback;
      3. interviews;
      4. observation;
      5. testing;
      6. post audit reviews; and,
      7. Maintain all professional details including industry codes on the ACI Global Professional Membership Register.

    The obligations in this undertaking are binding on all parties to achieve competence in both the nominated candidates learning and ongoing CPD to ensure provision of the highest levels of skill for Industry and Business and Sustained Success for the Sponsoring Organisation.

    Signed on behalf of the candidate Signed on behalf of the sponsoring organisation Signed on behalf of ACI Global
    Signature:............................. Signature:............................. Signature:.............................
    Name: ............................ Name: ............................ Name:............................
    Date of signing: ............................ Date of signing: ............................ Date of signing:............................

    For any questions relating to this Commitment or any privacy related enquiries please contact the Managing Director on +612 8003 4997.

