ACI Global Academy e-Quip Registration

Registration Instructions

Please Read and understand the following steps before filling out the "Registration Form" below

1. Register - Ensure you fill out the form correctly with a valid email address as a confirmation email will be sent immediately after you submit this form. It is also important to provide details of your "Sponsoring Organisation" along with the "Code of the Course or Program" you are Registering to enrol in. Please check your spam filter if you do not receive a response.

2. Validate Email Address - To complete email verification just click the link in the email you receive after submitting your Registration form. Please keep this email in a safe and secure area as it contains your Personal Access Codes. If you have paid for your course through an agent or have paid by other means you do not need to complete step 3.

3. Payments and Special Needs - After you have confirmed or validated your email address you will be automatically directed to the Secure Payments area to sign in and pay for your nominated course either via Credit Card or PayPal. Select your course from the "Menu" and you will be directed to the secure payments site to complete your payment. If you require an Invoice for EFT payment or have "Special Needs" please email your request through by clicking on "Contact" above

4. Enrolment - Wait for "Welcome Email" notifying you that your password has been activated for access into the e-Campus. This email will confirm your enrollment and further assist you in understanding your own Personal Professional Leadership Development Centre. Please allow up to 24 hours for processing of your application.

* Designates mandatory fields.
Title MrMrsMsMissDrOther
Gender Male Female
BirthDate *
First Name *
Last Name *
Create Password *
Confirm Password *
Email *
Confirm Email *
For security purposes a Personal Photo is mandatory. Max Size 500 kb * (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .png)
Address *
City *
PostCode *
Country *
Phone *
Special Needs Tick this box for Special Needs
Sponsoring Organisation *
Course Code
Terms and Conditions * I have read, understand and agree to comply with the ACI Global Terms and Conditions View and Read Privacy/Refunds etc.

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