Preparing a Project

Corporate Program Level
Project Planning

ACI Global's ISO Triennial Continuous Professional Development Program (CPD), delivers both the Organisation and their People "World Best Practice" Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI) processes underpinned by Ongoing "Witnessed Activities" in driving both Ethical, Business Excellence and Sustainable Outcomes.


ACI Global's Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI) program for Organisations, underpinned by a ongoing "Witnessed Activity's" provides Organisations the following options:

  1. Business Expert(s) to drive the organisations continuous improvement program;
  2. Ongoing conformance audits to ISO Requirements in preparation for ISO Third Party Audits;
  3. Ongoing review of Business Plans with regard to Mission, Vision, Values and Culture checking resources, systems, applications and tools so as to deliver on the plans;
  4. Undertake a base line audit of the Business against the intentions of the Organisations Mission and Vision;
  5. Build a Transformation program focused at the Mission and Vision;
  6. Execute an implementation program;
  7. Implementation of a Total Quality Management "Assurance" program embedding the concepts of Plan Do Check Act (PDCA); and,
  8. Ongoing Compliance audits to ensure Legal, Legislative, Standards and Codes of Practice are maintained in accordance to Requirements.

Project Trigger - Idea

ACI Global's Triennial ISO Continuous Professional Development Program (CPD), underpinned by a "Witnessed Activity" provides Graduates with three options:

  1. Graduate: Providing Learners and their Sponsoring, Facilitating Organisation a clear pathway of Learning refer Professional Development and Review.
  2. Post Graduate: Providing all Learners and their Sponsoring Organisations or a Learner with an assigned Organisation on behalf of ACI Global's clear pathway for Continuing Professional Development: and
  3. ISO Personal Certification: Providing Business Professionals a Pathway to becoming Certified as "Capable" through Verification and Validation within a chosen skill set.
ACI Global and Conscium International Preparing a Project (PP) 6 Modules

PP1 - Appointing the Bid Manager and Project Coordinator


PP2 - Designing the Project Management Teams


PP3 - Defining the Project Approach Best Practice


PP4 - Project Justification Assessment and Due Diligence


PP5 - Preparing the Project Charter


PP6 - Developing the Project Bid or Proposal

