Privacy Policies.

Special Needs

Special Needs

For special needs ACI Global will specifically plan the design, development and expected outcomes of its educational products and services, including:

  • learning outcomes;
  • ensuring appropriate and accessible teaching methods and learning environments;
  • defining criteria for learning assessment;
  • conducting learning assessment;
  • defining and conducting improvement methods and;
  • providing support services.

Additional requirements

ACI Global will provide the flexibility to support the learner by providing a revised learning process based on skills, abilities and interest, including approaches such as:

  • adaptive instruction;
  • accelerated or enriched content;
  • allowing enrolment in two distinct programmes or educational organisations if deemed apropriate;
  • individually tailored measures;
  • curriculum adjustment or modification of the education program to match the learner specific profile, above or below the default age-appropriate grade or level expectations for a particular subject or course;
  • recognition of prior learning and experience.

In addition ACI Global will facilitate a team environment with adequate resources to support individual with special needs to meet their optimal potential provide additional linkages to workplace opportunities and if in a class room environment ensure the provision of healthy and nutritious meals as necessary.

If you feel you have "Special Needs" please respond to us in the strictest of confidence by either Contacting Us or when Registering ensure you tick the box for "Special Needs" so that we can assist you where ever possible.

Acroynms and Terms: For a List of all ACI Global's Acroynms and Terms please refer to ACI Global,s Learning Services Manual "Terms and Definitions" View

Privacy and Personal Data Policy

Your Privacy - The Hello Process

ACI Global Pty Ltd respects stakeholders' privacy at all times, when processing your order or application.

We collect, perform and confirm via the Hello Process involving "Face Up or Back Off" Photo - CV - License Matching" your identity and personal information about you for the primary purpose of providing you with the highest possible level of customer service

This process is repeated upon enrollment and again during the assessment process ensuring the identity of the learner once enrolled is able to be verified and validated.

Personal Data: - Personal information such as names, user names, email addresses and passwords may be collected and held, for use in fulfilling the primary purposes intended.

All documentation, whether electronic or printed, generated by or on behalf of the company from which personal information may be collected as a part of the transaction process the primary purpose of which is to provide products or services, will carry the following statement concerning privacy:

We may also use this information to inform you of other related products and services which may be available to you.

As we value your privacy we do not make your personal information available to other organisations without your explicit consent, and you have the right to gain access to your information at any time.

ACI Global Pty Ltd acknowledges and takes seriously its obligations under the Privacy Act 1998 (as amended by the Privacy Amendment Private Sector Act 2000) and the associated 10 National Privacy Principles (NPPs). This Privacy policy is an evolving document which we plan to further develop in line with not only our commitment to the Privacy act but also our commitment relating to corporate governance reporting CSR.

All records of personal information supplied by the candidate including assessments, moderation and ongoing professional development are held within ACI Global's secure data centre and will not be disclosed to any third party unless written consent is provided by the candidate.

ACI Global and Associated Partners abides by the following International Standards when caring for your privacy and personal data:

  • ISO/IEC 23988:2007 - Information technology A Code of Practice for the use of information technology (IT) in the delivery of assessments;
  • ISO/IEC 27001:2013 - Information and Security of Information;
  • ISO/IEC 17024:2012 - guidelines to examine "Competence" using objective criteria for competence and scoring "Knowledge, Ability, Attitudes and Personality" to deliver "Competency Based Learning Outcomes.
  • EU GDPR Guidelines - European guidelines for the protection of personal data.

As part of ACI Global and Associated Partners commitment to Privacy and Personal Data Regulations both nationally and internationally ACI Global and Associated Partners will restrict the access of records of the candidates personal information including all data uploaded within e-quip including ongoing assessments and associated performance outcomes. It will involve access to related moderation activities tied into Key Performance Outcomes KPO's, Key Performance Indicators KPI's tied to the actual course attended, together with Key Personal Performance Indicators KPPI's for the candidate.

i) The above information may be disclosed to the following third parties only within the secure e-campus portal and only after consent is given by the candidate:

  • The candidates nominated Organisation, Sponsor, Facilitator, Coaches, Mentor and or examiner;
  • The nominated course administrator;
  • Regulatory bodies such as International Independent Personnel Accrediting bodies for example Exemplar Global or IRCA and National accrediting bodies;
  • Industry bodies;
  • The candidates employer who may have paid for the course subject to the candidates approval.

Please note the above information outlined in section (i) will only be disclosed after consent is given by the candidate.

It is also noted that information can only be viewed by third parties within the secure e-campus portal and will never be provided via email or other uncontrolled methods.

ii) Independent Moderation of Coaching and Assessments Outcomes

ACI Global's Moderation Process is Internationally Unique and possible a world first in that all coaching and assessment are moderating with a process in place of an Independent Body of Experienced Professionals which review annually a sample of all Candidates Assessment Marking and Coaching outcomes as well as Appeals and Feedback from both the Nominated Organisation or their Sponsor's, Coaches, Mentors, Facilitators and Candidates.

The ACI Global Coaching and Moderation Process ensures a balanced and transparent approach is achieved to the scoring of assessments or advice provided. To further strengthen the Coaching and Moderation Process all Coaches, mentors or facilitators undertaking coaching or assessment scoring must have completed the International Facilitation Program and be approved by ACI Global's Independent of Experienced Professionals.

Continuous Professional Development

To read and understand the commitment to be made by both the candidate and ACI Global to Continuous Professional Development please view ACI Global CPD Commitment

Professional Leadership Development Information: - Information collected for the purposes of ongoing Professional Leadership Development such the Collection and Storage of Personal and Professional Leadership Development Information, Resumes, Industry Experience, Prior Learning, assessment and examination data may be provided to independent third parties such as certification bodies only after the signing of a privacy commitment by the candidate prior to the request for this information.

All reasonable steps are taken to protect the security of the personal information held, be it stored in electronic or hard copy form. Except for the reasons given in the NPPs, access is available to the person whose information is held, subject to the payment of reasonable expenses incurred in extracting such information. Access to personal information can be arranged by contacting the Managing Director via our contact page.

Please note all information collected during a candidates professional development activities is covered by the ACI Global Privacy and Personal Data Policy as listed above.


All information provided and stored on and within the ACI Global Web site and e-learning, e-examination and assessment centre including all html code and associated links remain the property of ACI Global at all times, including html code and associated links which may be provided to clients using either the ACI Global LMS or associated platforms. Copying or changing information, code or associated links without the expression permission in writing from ACI Global will result in action in the strongest terms in both National and International Courts as applies at the time of the offence

Breaches to Copyright/Privacy and Personal Data or attempts to Spam

ACI Global reserves the right to suspend without notice access to the ACI Global LMS if any breaches are found to have occurred and traced to a user’s email, IP, ISP or Domain address. It is not permitted at any time to share email addresses or passwords and if a breach is found the users email is suspended and deleted from the LMS data Base immediately. All data related to a breach will be quarantined and investigated by ACI Global's Independent Panel and upon appeal may be released to the candidate involved in the breach.

Candidates are permitted to print training material as presented within the Briefing notes within a course or programme, including manuals where applicable. Training material is not to be copied or reproduced in any way other than that which is intended, Training notes, Manuals and all other course material must under no circumstances be reproduced or copied.

International Standards are permitted to viewed within the course Library and may be printed by the candidate if requested with an access code provided to the candidate upon request.

Under no circumstance are candidates permitted to pass onto third parties the following:

  • Standards and resource material within the Resource Library;
  • Power Point Presentations;
  • Videos;
  • Flash Presentations;
  • Briefing Notes and associated templates;
  • Material password protected or restricted for viewing only;
  • Nominated Organisations material or any information in any format that may breach the seperate agreement between the organisation and the candidate and;
  • Copies of personally submitted material within the e-Campus.

Any attempt by a candidate to copy or attempt to copy from present or past candidates uploaded evidence or material from a third party in answering an assessment will render that assessment attempt as "Failed". If a candidate has an assessment failed due to suspected "Plagiarism" the assigned Facilitator will notify the course administrator immediately and the candidates enrolment will be suspended pending review from the administrator.

The Course Administrator will carry out a full investigation as to the extent of Plagiarism by discussing the issue with the Facilitator and then with the Candidate. Both Candidate and Facilitator will be advised of the result.

If a candidate is found to be in breach of the ACI Global and Associated Partners Plagiarism Policy the candidate will receive one official warning and have their enrolment reactivated and be asked to resubmit that assessment. The assessment will be noted as being "Re-submitted due to Plagiarism" and marked as either "Competent" or "Not Yet Competent".

If a candidate is found to be in breach of ACI Global and Associated Partners Plagiarism Policy for a second time they will immediately have their Course withdrawn and marked as "Failed" and access to their e-Campus will be withdrawn.

Cultural Issues, Language, Ethics and Personal Values

ACI Global and Associated Partners are committed to ensure the Cultural, Language, Ethics and Personal Values of the candidate is not only understood but is significantly enhanced throughout the full 360 Degree of the learning process.

If language is an issue ACI Global and Associated Partners will endeavour to address this either by Observation, chat or language translation to ensure the learning experience of the candidate is not compromised in any way.

Where language issues can not be agreed a translator is engaged as agreed by both ACI Global and Associated Partners and the candidate to ensure "Conflict Issues" are addressed.

Business Code of Ethics

ACI Global and Associated Partners requires its candidates, certificate holders together with all senior management and facilitators to conduct themselves ethically by:

  • Being honest, ethical and impartial in serving the public, their employers, customers, and clients;
  • Striving to increase the competence and prestige of the quality profession;
  • Understanding of Cultural differences and their associated impact on a persons well being and ability to achieve Professional Leadership Development;
  • Empathy and consideration for the understanding of and working jointly to achieve a common understanding due to language and cultural differences if applicable;
  • Endeavouring to provide a better living environment for future generations by ensuring our impact on our environment is positive in all aspects;
  • Ensure confidentiality of all personal information held within the ACI Global and Associated Partners Learning Management System, and externally if applicable;
  • Continue their professional development throughout their careers and provide opportunities for the professional and ethical development of others;
  • Build their professional reputation on the merit of their services and not compete unfairly with others
  • Respect other's Intellectual Property Rights, confidential/ classified data and contract obligations in all respects
  • Meet statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to one's own location and those of associates and
  • Using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare.
Insurances - Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance Requirements for Professionals

It is a requirement for all Professionals undertaking audits on behalf of third parties that you are covered for both Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance.

ACI Global's preferred supplier is "EnviroSure" with full details being found Here on their website.

ISO Personal Certification Certificates and Cards

All Certificates and Cards issued as part of the ACI Global ISO Personal Certification Process remain the sole property of ACI Global Certification at all times. This policy is in line with ACI Global's commitment to conform to ISO 21001:2018, 29993:2017 and 17024:2013.

If a candidate wishes to cancel their ISO Personal Certification, certificates and cards must be returned to ACI Global.

PLEASE ensure you have read and understood the above and confirm your acceptance of ACI Global and Associated Partners Privacy, Copyright, Plagiarism and Cultural Policy together with its Business Ethics Policy as it may relate to you in reference to National and also International laws

Charges, Invoices, Payments and Refunds

Candidates are asked to read and understand the requirements of a course as ACI Global has a policy of not refunding a candidates course or program fee or allowing transfer from an online course to a face to face training course once the candidate has completed the ACI Global registration and enrolment process. Notification of our refund policy is clearly indicated on our website prior to the completion of a candidates registration.

Feedback and Complaints

All complaints under this policy will be treated seriously, dealt with promptly and in a confidential manner and may not be used to affect the provision of any goods or services either requested or contracted to be supplied to the complainant.

Complaints under this policy are those that relate to either Special Needs, Privacy, Continuous Professional Development, Confidentiality, course materials assessments outcomes or any other matters relating to ACI Global. We are committed to ensure all staff undertake training on privacy and official complaints and the person receiving the complaint will attempt to resolve the complaint in accordance with the ACI Global Complaints Process. All actions taken within the complaints process will be forwarded in writing to the Managing Director. Complaints will be recorded and reported in the Compliance Report to the Board of Directors of ACI Global Pty Ltd. To view ACI Global,s Process in dealing with Complaints View Complaints Process

Complaints concerning the privacy practices or about how personal information is managed, may be forwarded at any time to the Chief Executive Officer.

Please direct privacy related enquiries to the Chief Executive Officer on +612 8003 4997 or Contact Us

We value your Feedback please  comment on our service to you our most important asset

