ISO Assurance Services

Assurance services to inspire confidence and drive Sustained Success.
ISO Assurance Services

The objective of ACI Global's ISO Assurance Services for both Organisations and Employees Worldwide, is through the use of secure technologies foster and develop:

  • Assurance outcomes using the latest technologies to achieve cost effective outcomes for both the Organisation and their Employees;
  • The maintenance of confidence and trust in organisations processes;
  • High achievers for both the Employee and their Organisations;
  • Ongoing Audit activities that provide independent, objective assessment of both Organisations and their employees performance outcomes;
  • A Regulatory framework that achieves Conformance through Compliance of International, National Laws, Acts and Regulatory Guidelines as they apply; and,
  • A framework to accelerate continuous improvement for both Organisations and their Employees to achieve Sustained Success.

The ACI Global ISO Assurance process is undertaken by Independent certified professional so as to improve the quality assurance outcomes of both the Organisation and their employees in line with ISO and Industry Standards over the Life-Cycle of both the Organisations ISO Continuous Professional Development Program and their employees Continuous Professional Development Program.


To view ACI Global's ACI Global's ISO Professionals click the following link ISO Business Professional's

Opportunity in Optimisation

Top Management need to ask the following questions regarding Opportunities in Optimisation:

  • What are the benefits of business process optimization?;
  • What are the basic steps in the optimisation process?;
  • What is the process of optimizing in the workplace?;
  • What are the top 3 most important things you would look at first before optimizing for efficiency?
  • What is the goal of optimisation?;
  • What is the purpose of the optimization?;
  • What are the optimization strategies?;
  • What are the main elements of optimization?;
  • How can you improve a process?
  • What is the objective of optimization problems?

Note 1: Candidates wishing to commence Business Optimisation should look at undertaking a Course in Opportunity in Optimisation

Note 2: Candidates wishing to commence Accelerating Continious Imrovement (ACI) strategies within an organisation should look at undertaking a Course in Improvement of an Organisation through ACI

Note 3: Candidates wishing to commence Leadership Training so as to drive Opportunities in Optimisation strategies within an organisation should look at undertaking a Course in Leadership and Capability

Terms and Definitions: For a List of all ACI Global's Terms and Definitions please refer to ACI Global’s Learning Services Manual "Terms and Definitions" View

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