ACI Global's Delivery of Learning Services Process


The objective of this policy is to provide a defined process in line with ISO 21001:2018 and ISO 29993:2017 for the delivery of learning services for ACI Global and its Key Alliance Partners.

Standards Referenced

ACI Global ensures all Curriculums of Learning are designed in conformance to the following International Standards:

  • ISO 21001:2018 - ACI Global in guidance with ISO 21001 accredits all its courses in line with the intent of this standard and verifies the outcomes achieved by the candidate through the participating organisations conformance to Industry or ISO Certification to a standard or standards;
  • ISO 29993:2017 - ACI Global is an International Learning Service Provider (LSP);
  • ISO/IEC 17024:2012 - ACI Global conforms to guidelines to examine "Competence" using objective criteria for competence and scoring "Knowledge, Ability, Attitude and Personal Behaviour Disciplines" to deliver Competency Based Learning, Assessment and Examination Outcomes;
  • ISO/IEC 23988:2007 - ACI Global conforms to a code of practice for the use of information technology (IT) in the delivery of assessments;
  • ISO/IEC 27001:2013 - ACI Global conforms to best practice for Information Security Management Systems;
  • ISO 22301:2012 - ACI Global conforms to best practice for Societal Security, Business continuity management systems and planning with a full Business Continuity Plan in place.
  • ISO 31000:2018 – ACI Global conforms to best practice for Enterprise Risk Management Principles and Guidelines with a comprehensive Enterprise Risk Management Plan in place.

1 Provision of Learning Services

In the provision of Learning Services, ACI Global adheres to the requirements of ISO 21001:2018 and ISO 29993:2017 and all related ISO standards and professional guidelines indicated by academic research in its fields of expertise and by the standards and guidelines established by institutions of higher education, professional bodies and peak industry associations.

Commencing with, or prior to delivery of the learning service, ACI Global notifies learners, sponsors and third parties and when appropriate, ensure their understanding of the following principles:

  • The purpose’s, format and content of the learning services being provided, including the mechanisms and criteria to be used for evaluation, and the nature of the award or report to be issued upon completion of the learning services provided;
  • The Learners commitments and responsibilities;
  • ACI Global’s commitments and responsibilities to the learner;
  • ACI Global’s commitments to sponsors and or third parties;
  • The processes to be used in case of dissatisfaction of any interested party (Learners), or disagreement between any interested party (Sponsor) and ACI Global;
  • Support for the learning process, such as library access, hotline, counselling services, computer and e-campus access, facilitation and mentoring etc.;
  • Methods and schedules of assessments and examinations;
  • Any prerequisites, technical or otherwise, such as required skills, qualifications and professional experience.

Commencing with, or prior to, delivery of the learning service, ACI Global ensures those financing the learning service for which they are responsible, such as tuition fees, examination fees and the purchase of learning materials are paid prior to enrolment into the ACI Global Learning Assessment and Examination Platform (e-campus).

1.1 Ensuring Availability and Accessibility of Learning Services

In order to ensure that ACI Global and its Registered Alliance Partners learning services meet the required criteria against all ISO Standards ACI Global ensures:

  • All resources as defined in the curriculum are available;
  • All facilitators responsible for delivering the learning services have these learning resources available and are trained and competent in their use; and
  • All resources as defined in the curriculum can be accessed by the learners.

1.2 The Learning Environment

ACI Global has developed a defined process supported by contractual arrangements to ensure that services provided by Third Parties are controlled in accordance with its conformance to ISO 9001 and 29990 as follows:

  • Third parties are secured by Contractual arrangements in line with ACI Global’s commitment as a ISO Recognised "Quality" Organisation;
  • The resources supplied by third parties are controlled, monitored and evaluated within a rigorous "Risk" audit framework process in line with ACI Global conformance requirements to ISO 9001;
  • The resources supplied by third parties are in line with and reviewed through a transparent Review Process "Business Review" to ensure minimum requirements are met at all times and continuous improvement initiatives are ongoing.
  • The resources supplied by Third Parties are in line with and conform to ACI Global’s allocation of resources taking into account specific needs if required and ensuring learning resources are maintain in accordance with ACI Global commitments to its International, regulatory and statutory obligations as an Internationally Recognised Learning and Personal Certification Services Provider.

1.3 Monitoring the Delivery of Learning Services

ACI Global users surveys at the beginning and completion of each Curriculum to manage learner’s expectations. Throughout the candidates learning experience facilitators and mentors constantly monitor the learners progress with clear targets set to ensure the candidates expectations are met at all times to achieve continuous personal improvement.

1.3.1 Evaluation by ACI Global

ACI Global conforms to guidelines to examine "Competence" using objective criteria for competence and scoring "Knowledge, Ability, Attitude and Personal Behaviour Disciplines" to deliver Competency Based Learning, Assessment and Examination Outcomes through conformance to ISO/IEC 17024:2012 with defined processes in place to ensure:

  • Specific assessment and examination goals and the scope of the evaluations are defined;
  • Assessment and Examination methods and means employed by ACI Global, including scheduling and rationale are recorded;
  • That all assessment and examination processes are planned, selected and conducted in order to meet the intended objectives, and that they are implemented in such a way as to provide value to the various interested parties;
  • That all assessment and examinations are conducted legally and ethically;
  • The information collected by ACI Global’s Assessment and Examinations are
    • Focused and defined so as to enable assessment and examination questions to be fully answered and the needs of learners is properly addressed;
    • Systematically and accurately assessed by competent Facilitators and or Mentors;
    • Valid, reliable and meaningful to ensure the validity of the learning outcome.
  • ACI Global shall at all times ensure all reasonable steps through processes and the competence of its facilitators and mentors reduce bias in assessment and examinations.

1.3.2 Evaluation by Learning

ACI Global has defined processes in place to ensure it measures and analyses the extent to which each individual learner is achieving, or have achieved, the learning outcomes of the learning service provided. ACI Global ensures this is achieved not by numbers of candidates completing a course but through a clear defined process to ensure:

  • The learning outcomes of each candidate are determined by ongoing professional development supported by ACI Global’s Continuous Professional Development (CPD) agreement and mentoring ensuring the highest learning outcome is achieved at all times;
  • Assessment and Examination results of the learner are only provided to those with legitimate consent to view the information, and the results are in a format that facilitates the transportability of the Assessment and or Examination outcomes;
  • That individual learners with difficulties, and those that require specific assistance with learning in order to achieve the agreed learning outcomes, are referred to experts in their relevant fields through provision of Mentoring services.

1.3.3 Evaluation of the Learning Service

ACI Global measures the effectiveness and the quality of its learning services through a defined process ensuring that:

  • All interested parties involved in, or affected by, the assessment and examination process are identified and learning outcomes achieved;
  • The persons conducting the assessment and examination process are competent and objective;
  • The assessment and examination reports are transparent and clearly describe the learning service, the learning service objectives, the findings, and also the perspectives, processes and rationale used to interpret the findings;
  • The learning environment in which the learning service is provided is comprehensively examined to enable likely influences on the learning service provided by ACI Global to be identified and corrected were required.
  • Any significant changes to the learning environment will be advised in a timely manner in accordance with contractual arrangements in place with third parties.