ACI Global's Enterprise Risk Management Policy
ACI GLOBAL will maintaina robust Enterprise Risk management ERM framework to ensure.
- Significant current and emerging risks and opportunities are identified and understood;
- Appropriate and prudent risk management systems to manage these risks are developedand effectively implemented;
- Regular reviews are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of risk mitigation measures;and
- Reports are produced on a regular basis regarding adherence to this policy
The objectives of this policy are to:
- Establish the risk appetite of ACI GLOBAL;
- Identify the key responsibilities of the Owner, Chief Risk Officer, Agency Owner, audit committee and management;
- Outline the frequency, form and content of reporting requirements;
- Commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainability, ethical behaviour and compliance to legal and legislative requirements in undertaking its business activities;
- Maintenance of a zero debt to equity ratio to ensure continuity planning and ongoing support for all resources including employees, learners, mentors, stakeholders and interested parties;
- Excellence in training and supporting professional development programs.
- Recognition through ISO personal certification to Business Professionals and Industry and or ISO or CMMI Registration.
- Impartiality and Fairness in delivering learning and Certification outcomes;
- Vehicle for continuous improvement/optimisation and security of personal information;
- Leadership role in the competitive market of Industry learning, Professional Development, Personal Certification and Industry and or CMMI, ISO Registration by providing professional support, secure online platforms and Ethical and Secure Contractual arrangements for all parties;
- Commitment to the health and wellbeing of its workers, facilitators, mentors and learners;
- Ongoing support to those in need by providing graduate and cadetship programs globally;
- Commitment to accountability and responsibility in reference to the chain of responsibility (COR) and the mitigation of Human Error.
Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerances
The risk appetite of ACI GLOBAL is [INSIGNIFICANT OR MINOR] [This is where the potential exposure is less than 2% of gross revenue for the group] or the group is maintaining a ZERO DEBT TO EQUITY RATIO. Significant risks must have Owner approved risk management policies and/or risk management strategies.
- Risk tolerances will be developed for each identified significant risk that reflect the level of risk appetite elected by the Owner and management [based upon potential exposure].
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