ACI Global's Management of Learning Services Process


The objective of this policy is to provide a defined process in line with ISO 21001:2018 and ISO 29993:2017 for the management of learning services by ACI Global and its Key Alliance Partners.

Standards Referenced

ACI Global ensures the management of its Learning services is in line and conforms to the following Regulatory, International, National, Industry and or Statutory rules and Guidelines:

  • ISO 21001:2018 - ACI Global in guidance with ISO 21001 accredits all its courses in line with the intent of this standard and verifies the outcomes achieved by the candidate through the participating organisations conformance to Industry or ISO Certification to a standard or standards including relevant Legal, Industry, National and Stratutory rules and regulations;
  • ISO 29993:2017 - ACI Global is an International ISO Regonised Learning Service and Personal Certification Provider (LSP);
  • ISO/IEC 17024:2012 - ACI Global conforms to guidelines to examine "Competence" using objective criteria for competence and scoring "Knowledge, Ability, Attitude and Personal Behavior Disciplines" to deliver Competency Based Learning, Assessment and Examination Outcomes;
  • ISO/IEC 23988:2007 - ACI Global conforms to a code of practice for the use of information technology (IT) in the delivery of assessments;
  • ISO/IEC 27001:2013 - ACI Global conforms to best practice for Information Security Management Systems;
  • ISO 22301:2012 - ACI Global conforms to best practice for Societal Security, Business continuity management systems and planning with a full Business Continuity Plan in place.
  • ISO 31000:20018 – ACI Global conforms to best practice for Enterprise Risk Management Principles and Guidelines with a comprehensive Enterprise Risk Management Plan in place.
  • National Employment Standards, WHS Act and Regulations, Environmental Protection act, Privacy Act and the Australian Tax Office (ATO).

1 General Requirements

ACI Global has an established ISO 21001:2018 Management System and conforms to the requirements of ISO 29993 and all related ISO standards and professional guidelines indicated by academic research in its fields of expertise and by the standards and guidelines established by institutions of higher education, professional bodies and peak industry associations.

2 – Strategy and Business Management

In implementing ISO 29993:2017 ACI Global’s strategy was for this standard to run in conjunction with its established ISO 21001:2018 Educational Organisations Management System and the organisations established strategic business goals and plans. ACI Global’s strategic business plan outlines in detail:

2.1 Key Business Objectives

Quality in Education through:

  • Excellence of training programs - Target: Maintain ISO accreditation through independent third party audit of all systems.
  • Recognition through ISO Personal Certification - Target: Provide Personal Certification in line with JAS-ANZ (IAF) auditor professional guidelines.
  • Impartiality and Fairness in delivering Learning and Personal Certification Outcomes - Target: Provide a learning environment accessible to all with supporting mentoring services.
  • Vehicle for continuous improvement/optimization - Target: Provide a guaranteed continuous professional development program for all learners.
  • Leadership role in the competitive training and Personal Certification Market - Target: To continue to develop innovative initiatives and cost effective strategies to ensure learning outcomes are delivered in a cost effective and practical manner.

2.2 Vision

ACI Global aims to create a practical and sustainable balance in the pursuit of delivering Professional Leadership Development training for personnel and organisations by identifying both customer and organisational needs and providing specific industry training and ongoing professional leadership development services that enhance both customer satisfaction and economic viability for all concerned.

2.3 Mission

ACI Global aims to become a Global leader in the provision of Professional Leadership Development through value add quality industry training services by embracing the latest technology in the delivery of its products. ACI Global will provide its customers the smarter alternative to e-learning to deliver professional leadership development thereby creating Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI). We are further committed through the delivery of our services to exceed the expectations of our customers, staff and stakeholders.

Our ethic - "Quality is Contagious"

2.4 Management Structure

ACI Global management structure is based on both Knowledge within all key portfolios ensuring a "Walk the talk" ethos of Quality is Contagious and most importantly not expensive. Secondly the management structure ensures the delivery of learning outcomes based on continuous professional development of the candidate rather than the numbers undertaking each course.

2.5 Process Model

ACI Global understands that Consistent and predictable results are achieved more effectively and efficiently when activities are planned and managed as interrelated processes that function as a coherent system. To do this ACI Global has adopted the process approach when developing, implementing and improving the effectiveness of a its Business "Quality" management system

The process approach is used to enhance customer satisfaction by not just meeting customer requirements but by consistently exceeding them as ACI Global considers customer requirements essential to the adoption of its process approach.

3 – Business "Management" Review

ACI Global has developed a defined process supported by its conformance to ISO 21001:2018 and ISO 29993:2017 to review its management system at planned intervals and in line with its key business objectives, goal’s statutory and regulatory requirements. Items addressed at Business review generally include as a minimum:

  • Follow up from previous reviews;
  • Financial update Debt to Equity Ratio;
  • Core Values and Performance of business objectives;
  • Audit "Stack Report" and system review;
  • Policy and procedures review;
  • Communications from third parties;
  • Feedback form users and third parties;
  • Learning Services Assessment and Examination Platform ë-Campus review of performance targets in delivery of learning outcomes;
  • Review of Enterprise Risk processes
  • Opportunities for improvements;
  • Review of verification of competence of staff, facilitators and mentors form both the organization and its interested third parties;
  • Review of Corrective actions;
  • Resource planning and verification of facilitators and staff (VOC) and capability and maturity.

4 – Root cause analysis, changes, improvements, and corrective actions

ACI Global has developed a defined Plan-Do-Check-Act Process supported by its conformance to ISO 21001:2018 and ISO 29993:2017 to review opportunities for improvements, planned changes and corrective actions through a robust framework of Improvement, Monitoring and Measuring Processes.

The process involves:

  • Planned changes;
  • Opportunities for Improvements including Innovation;
  • Process Monitoring and Measurement;
  • Risk Audits – Root Cause Analysis of data and evaluation of conformance;
  • Control of non-conformances;
  • Continual improvement and Customer Satisfaction and;
  • Corrective Actions.

5 - Financial and Enterprise Risk Management and Disaster Recovery

ACI Global Key Strategic Goal of "Zero Debt to Equity Ratio" is paramount to the organisations Financial and Enterprise Risk Management Planning.

ACI Global has in place an established Secure Online Payments Portal in conjunction with "PayPal" secure online payments systems which underpins the collection of all payments and is further secured with ACI Global’s conformance to International ISO Standards.

A full and detailed Enterprise Risk Management Framework is in place to ensure the continuity of learning services which is Key to the success of ACI Global as an ISO recognised Learning and Personal Certification Services Provider.

To view ACI Global’s Enterprise Risk Management Framework click on the link on our website.

6 - Competence and verification of Facilitators, Coaches and Mentors

ACI Global has a defined process to ensure all staff, facilitators, coaches and mentors and those of its Key Alliance Partners and or Third parties are competent to carry out the delivery of learning services. ACI Global applies the same defined process to ensure ongoing verification of competencies (VOC) to ensure skills are not only maintained but are further developed on an ongoing basis.

The organisations defined process relates and takes into account national, international and local statutory requirements for human rights and involves:

  • All facilitators, coaches and Mentors must have completed and be deemed competent in International Facilitation;
  • Be certified as an ISO certified person;
  • Undertake ongoing skills assessment through a 3 year continuous improvement agreements;
  • Undertake ongoing assessment of cultural awareness and Personal Disciplines;
  • Have completed and be deemed competent through ISO Personal Certification in the course or programme they are to facilitate or mentor;
  • All records of learning and professional development of staff, facilitators and mentors are recorded and stored in accordance with ACI Global’s Digital Information Security Policy;

7 - Communication Management

ACI Global uses the latest communication technologies and processes to consult with staff, learners, sponsoring organisations, facilitators, Coaches and Mentors and interested parties within the secure environment of the organisations e-campus and ensures confidentiality and security of all personal information and data collected is handled in line with ACI Global’s Digital Information security framework.

General Information provided by ACI Global - Prior to enrolment, learners and interested parties are provided a comprehensive range of information about the learning services so as for them to make a decision best suited to their desired Personal Professional Development. The Information provided by ACI Global on its website outlines the following:

General Description of the Course and its outcomes

  • Course Title, Price and Course Code;
  • Standards referenced;
  • Resources provided to the learner;
  • Length of course or program;
  • Approval number of the course or program;
  • Prerequisites - what the learners needs to have before they can commence the course;
  • Facilitator - Information on the capability of ACI Global's facilitators;
  • Special Needs;
  • ISO Personal Certification Outcomes;
  • ISO Personal Certification Learning Tasks;
  • ISO Personal Certification Career Benefits;
  • ISO Learning and Certification Needs Analysis;

Comprehensive overview of the Course or Program as presented within the ACI Global Academy

  • Course Title for example "Integrated Business Management Systems and Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability ISO Lead Auditor";
  • Overview;
  • Recognition of Prior Learning - ISO Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)and Recognition of Prior Competence (RCC);
  • Resource centre
  • Integrated Business Management Systems and Corporate Social Responsibility - ISO-QMS, ISO-EMS, ISO-OHS, ISO-CSR and ISO-RM;
  • ISO Auditor - ISO-AUD;
  • ISO Lead Auditor - ISO-LA;
  • Attitude and Cultural Diversity - ACI-ACD;
  • Personal Behavioural Disciplines - ACI-PBD (Hogan Leadership Profile):
  • Skill assessment;
  • Finish up;
  • ISO Personal Certification Achievements
  • E-Campus Enrolment.

8 - Allocation of Resources

ACI Global determines through ongoing review the required allocation of staff, facilitators, coaches and mentors and learning services to cater for special needs, language and learning outcomes are delivered in accordance with learners and third party requirements.

ACI Global used e-Quip software to drive its e-campus and through constant review and ongoing improvements provide within the e-campus a comprehensive resource library in support of adequate briefing notes to assist in the delivery of learning and personal certification outcomes for all users.

9 Risk based Audits

ACI Global has a defined Enterprise Risk Audit Assessment Framework in place which encompasses a comprehensive audit program running within the e-campus to ensure a seamless process of learning and professional development is maintained for all e-campus users.

The organization through its third party regonition submits to annual third party audits from independant providers and other Third Party and Interested bodies as well as conduction external audits on its main interested parties ensuring a robust and effective evaluation of all business processes.

10 Feedback form Interested and Third Parties.

ACI Global encourages feedback both positive and negative from all users, interested parties including Industry bodies both within the e-campus and externally through regular briefing to ensure ongoing continuous improvement is achieved and curriculums are updated ensuring Industry Relevance at all times.
