ACI Global is committed to taking all reasonable steps to providing a healthy and safe workplace and to ensuring that the health and safety of all who attend at, work in and undertake learning with ACI Global can do so in a safe environment.

ACI Global aims to foster a culture that that sees Health and Safety as inherent to the business, where healthy behavior is encouraged and respected. We will strive to enable all activities related to our business to be carried out undertaking all reasonable measures to remove or reduce risks to the health, safety and welfare of all personnel.

ACI Global will build a Occupational Health and Safety culture on the basis of:

  • Commitment to this policy;
  • The belief that injuries and incidents are preventable;
  • The belief and promotion that the Health and Wellbeing of its people is at the core of its business; and,
  • Accountability of management to ensure that all internal and external obligations are being met within workplace practices.


ACI Global Management is committed to:

  • Providing adequate resources to the management of Health and Safety;
  • Ensuring that all external requirements and obligations including those of its identified interested parties are being met;
  • Ensuring all users of the organisation’s system are adequately identified; and,
  • Developing, implementing, maintaining and promoting practises that ensure the ongoing Health, Safety and wellbeing of its people and system;
  • Considering the impact of decisions on the health, safety and well-being of its workers:
  • Commitment to be in guidance with all legal requirements and other requirements that are applicable to its effects, aspects, hazards, OH&S risks and its compliance business management system: and,
  • Ensuring their commitment to "Primary Duty of Care" as its relates to the WHS Act Section 19 or as applies.


ACI Global Workers are committed to:

  • Supporting the company’s work health and safety vision;
  • Taking responsibility for their actions (Chain of Responsibility) and the impact of those actions on others;
  • Ensuring their commitment to "Primary Duty of Care" as its relates to the WHS Act Section 19 or as applies;
  • Participating in training, consultation and initiatives to improve the occupational health and safety management system; and,
  • Proactively responding to and reporting incidents and hazards.


ACI Global will actively monitor and review our organisation’s performance to ensure that we succeed in meeting our occupational health and safety (OHS) objectives.

ACI Global's OHS Policy shall be reviewed periodically in accordance with Company consultation and communication processes.


This Policy has been acknowledged and accepted by the Managing Director for ACI Global Ian Erskine on the date indicated below
