Quality Assurance Policy

The Directors and Leadership Team of ACI Global have developed the following Quality Assurance Policy which governs day-to-day operations to ensure quality assurance outcomes. The Quality Assurance Policy is communicated and implemented throughout the organisation.

Additional policies have been implemented and communicated to address all business risks and issues associated with the company’s activities. The organisation’s directors, including the management team, understand the commitment for continual improvement, achieving objectives and targets and ensuring security of personal information and the commitment to comply with applicable legal requirements, and to provide a framework for setting and reviewing business issues including for example quality assurance objectives and targets and their planned outcomes.

ACI Global is committed through its CSR Statement, Mission, Vision, Goals and Values Statements together with this Policy to provide:

  • Commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainability, ethical behaviour and compliance to legal and legislative requirements in undertaking its business activities;
  • Maintenance of a zero debt to equity ratio to ensure continuity planning and ongoing support for all resources including employees, learners, mentors, stakeholders and interested parties;
  • Excellence in training and supporting professional development programs.
  • Recognition through ISO personal certification to Business Professionals and Industry and or ISO Registration.
  • Impartiality and Fairness in delivering learning and Certification outcomes;
  • Vehicle for continuous improvement/optimisation and security of personal information;
  • Leadership role in the competitive market of Industry learning, Professional Development, Personal Certification and Industry and or CMMI, ISO Registration by providing professional support, secure online platforms and Ethical and Secure Contractual arrangements for all parties;
  • Commitment to the health and wellbeing of its workers, facilitators, mentors and learners;
  • Ongoing support to those in need by providing graduate and cadetship programs globally;
  • Commitment to accountability and responsibility in reference to the chain of responsibility (COR) and the mitigation of Human Error; and,
  • Commitment to be in guidance with all legal requirements and other requirements that are applicable to its effects, aspects, hazards, OH&S risks and its compliance business management system.

Our Targets to achieve our business objectives are:

  • Maintain guidance with ISO 21001:2018 and ISO 26000 Corporate Social Responsibility Standards through independent third party audits of all business systems.
  • Provide Personal Certification outcomes in line with Industry and or ISO standards guidelines and verification of competence through the the Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) process by Industry and ISO Experts.
  • Provide the Candidates Organisation an Internationally recognised Business System Registration and or the Pathway to ISO Certification and Accreditation in recognition of employees achieving ISO Personal Certification.
  • Provide a secure and ongoing learning platform accessible to all learners with supporting mentoring services.
  • Provide a guaranteed continuous professional development program for all learners, and
  • To continue to develop innovative initiatives and cost effective strategies to ensure learning outcomes are delivered in a cost effective and practical manner.

We seek to achieve this through:

  • Customer Focus – ensuring that we understand current and future customer needs including our suppliers and interested parties, their requirements and strive to exceed their expectations.
  • Involvement of People – ensuring that full involvement of all staff in the success of the organisation is achieved, and that people’s knowledge and skills are developed and maintained to meet their own, and the organisation’s goals.
  • Process Management – ensuring that all key processes, and associated resources, are effectively managed, maintained and drive continuous productivity gains across the organisation.
  • Supplier and Interested Parties Relationships – ensuring that mutually beneficial relationships are developed, maintained, reviewed and agreed goals achieved.
  • Strategic Objectives – annual review against ISO 21001:2018, 29993:2017, 26000:2010, 31000:2018, 22301:2012 and ISO/IEC 17024:2012 standards guidelines by independent accredited third parties.