ACI Global's Collaborative Business Relationship Management Plan
in guidance with ISO 44001:2017


ACI Global Pty Ltd

Trading as ACI Global

ASIC Australian Company Number (ACN): 110 019 460

ASIC Australian Business Number (ABN): 68110019460

Certified to ISO 21001:2018 and conforms to ISO 29993:2017 and ISO 17024:2012

In guidance with ISO 26000:2010, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 27001:2013, ISO 31000:2018 and ISO 22301:2012

This Relationship Management Plan is reviewed as required in line with both ACI Global's Key Strategic Objectives and Goals and the intent of all applicable ISO Standards during the organisations regular Business Review Activities.

ACI Global Collaborative Business Relationship Management Plan (RMP) Directory

  1. Mission Statement
  2. Vision Statement
  3. Values and Culture
  4. Introduction
  5. Key Stakeholders
  6. Relationship Management
  7. Vision and Values
  8. Business Objectives
  9. Collaborative Leadership
  10. Governance and Processes
  11. Collaborative competence and behavior
  12. Trust and commitment to mutual benefit
  13. Value creation
  14. Information and knowledge sharing
  15. Risk management
  16. Relationship measurement and optimisation
  17. Exit Strategy

1 - Mission Statement - How do we plan to achieve our vision?

By delivering "Ethical", Quality in Education, Professional Development and Sustainability Services to lead the Further Education Industry in the provision of Specific Industry and ISO Training and Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability through adding value through assessing the capability and maturity of both the business professional and their organisations.

ACI Global will provide its customers a smarter and more cost-effective alternative to traditional Certification and Accreditation services by delivering professional leadership development and verification of competence thereby creating Accelerating Continuous Improvement (ACI) for Business Professionals and their Organisations.

We are further committed through the delivery of our services, the maintenance of a zero debt to equity ratio, to ensure continuity planning and ongoing support for all resources including employees, learners, mentors, stakeholders and sponsoring organisations is upheld or preserved.

Our Motto - "Quality is Contagious, do it once do it Right"

For "Quality to be Contagious" some key outcomes need to be achieved:

  • Ethics and Leadership must be above reproach;
  • Vision and Enthusiasm be maintained;
  • Embrace "Quality" in everything we do: and
  • The Adaption of Accelerating Continuous Improvement.

2 - Vision Statement - How do we aim to achieve our Mission?

ACI Global aims to create a practical and sustainable balance in the pursuit of delivering "Ethical" Quality in Industry Education through the delivery of Professional Leadership Development for Personnel and Organisations by identifying both Employee and Organisational needs and understanding of Culture and Value by providing specific Industry, and ISO training so as to drive Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability.

The Acceleration and Continuous improvement of People, their Culture and Values through ongoing verification of competency and Sustainability Services will enhance both employee satisfaction and economic viability for both Business Professionals and their Organisations.

3 - Values and Culture - What we believe in and how we perform

  • Visionary Leadership;
  • Ethical conduct in education;
  • Fairness, accessibility and equity to learners;
  • Social Responsibility;
  • Capability, Maturity through evidence-based decisions;
  • Data security and protection;
  • Transparency;
  • Professionalism;
  • Provide accelerating continuous improvement (ACI) for all learners and their organisations;
  • Engagement of people;
  • Provide a caring and fun learning environment for all parties and;
  • Work with all stakeholders to achieve a common aim and goal.

4 - RMP Introduction

ACI Global’s Relationship Management Plan (RMP) is an imperative business function which forms and develops a mutually beneficial relationship between ACI Global and its Stakeholders. The significance of Collaborative Business Relationship Management has grown from simple customer service to an integrated solution which establishes a level of trust in forming long term relationships and identifying additional business opportunities. ACI Global uses its RMP to compliment the products and services it provides through various levels of Professional Development.

ACI Global Pty Ltd prides itself on building and maintaining strong relationships with its customers. We have learned that it is far more cost effective to manage existing relationships and capitalise on additional opportunities than it is to seek and win new customers. ACI Global Pty Ltd has developed this Relationship Management Plan (RMP) to provide background and an understanding of all its stakeholders. The purpose of this plan is to identify the needs, communication requirements, opportunities, and value associated with its stakeholders. By understanding these variables, we can develop a mutually beneficial strategy for managing a long-term value-added relationship with all stakeholders.

Evaluation: As business best practice and in line with its ISO Certification requirements ACI Global assesses its Collaborative Partners annually during its annual business review process.

5 - Key Stakeholders

ACI Global sees as its Collaborative Partners "Key Stakeholders" its, employees, candidates, facilitators, mentors, coaches, business professional’s accountants, regulator, certification bodies and key alliance partners all of which share ACI Global's Mission, Vision, Values and Goals in driving Accelerating Continuous Improvement for employees and their Organisations.

A list of ACI Global’s Registration and Certification Providers can be found here: View

A list of ACI Global’s Alliance Partners can be found here: View

A list of ACI Global’s Business Professionals can be found here: View

6 - Relationship Management Plan (RMP)

Statement: A formalised process to manage and sustain collaborative relationships underpins the success of ACI Global and its Stakeholders.

Rationale: To ensure it is sustainable over time, ACI Global has established a collaborative relationship plan based on its systems and processes, together with a continued focus on monitoring and developing competence and behaviours.

Key benefits: ACI Global understands that Collaborative relationships that are based solely on personal relationships, although important, are vulnerable where personnel may change over time. Documenting the process as agreed with partners ensures that leadership changes do not weaken the relationship. Furthermore, those joining the ACI Global over time have a clear perspective on the way the relationship is to be managed, and the expectations of the parties involved.

Collaborative Partners Evaluation
On Hold Collaborative arrangements in place Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Satisfactory Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Good Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Excellent

7 - Vision and Values

Statement: ACI Global and its stakeholder understand that the visions and values of organisations wanting to work together will have a positive impact on the effectiveness of the collaboration.

Rationale: ACI Global believes that operating a collaborative business relationship will inevitably involve the reputation, ethics and culture of partner organisations. As each party considers the value of a collaborative relationship, the profile of the organisation and potential compatibility with partners will be a key factor in establishing and aligning their capabilities and joint performance.

The nature of the relationship between ACI Global's partner organisations will be influenced by each party’s perceptions of the other in terms of the level of effective engagement and the perceived risks and opportunities created through a more integrated relationship. This in turn will likely have a direct impact on the behaviours of the individuals involved in the collaborative venture.

Key benefits: The degree of alignment of vision and values provides guidance to ACI Global's stakeholders on behaviour, and decisions that facilitate collaboration over and above metrics, governance and management oversight. The result is smoother operations, faster achievement of goals and higher performance.

Collaborative Partners Evaluation
On Hold Collaborative arrangements in place Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Satisfactory Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Good Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Excellent

8 - Business Objectives

Statement: ACI Global understand that only when drivers for collaboration support the business objectives of each partner organisation will a collaborative relationship make sense.

Rationale: ACI Global understands Collaborative relationships can significantly enhance competitive advantage and create expanded value propositions. Such approaches will require effort and resources to achieve the desired goals and objectives of each of the partners. As such, ACI Global and partners ensure there are clearly defined business drivers where such investment is validated, warranted and sustainable. Implementing a collaborative relationship require individuals and functions within organisations to undertake changes to their normal operating practices, which need to be ratified against a robust business case where collaboration is deemed fundamental to the successful achievement of the business objectives.

Key benefits: Ensuring that each partner's objectives can be achieved through the relationship will support continued effective engagement at both organisational and individual levels to sustain mutual benefit. Objectives that are clear and commonly understood across the organisation engender a more efficient focus at all levels.

Collaborative Partners Evaluation
On Hold Collaborative arrangements in place Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Satisfactory Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Good Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Excellent

9 - Collaborative Leadership

Statement: ACI Global and its Stakeholders understand Senior leadership responsibility and operational leadership accountability is crucial to underpin successful collaborative relationships.

Rationale: In a collaborative relationship, the more traditional command and control models of leadership are deemed to be inappropriate. ACI Global and its Stakeholders understand Collaborative leaders embrace influence models, consensus building, leading by example and forging alignment to a shared vision. It is understood Senior management support and guidance is a crucial success factor since it creates an environment where people can work in a collaborative style.

Key benefits: Both ACI Global and its Stakeholders understand that the appointment of an appropriate senior executive responsible for collaborative business relationships ensures high level support in terms of oversight management and resource allocation. Their visible participation provides both focus and confidence for those directly involved in any collaboration, which in turn fosters the appropriate level of behaviour at all levels. It is equally important to ensure that partners have a similar level of engagement through their senior management.

Collaborative Partners Evaluation
On Hold Collaborative arrangements in place Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Satisfactory Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Good Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Excellent

10 - Governance and Processes

Statement: It is firmly understood by both ACI Global and its Stakeholders that Relationships between organisations require governance structures that support collaborative decision making to ensure success.

Rationale: ACI Global and its Stakeholders ensure that Management processes and accountabilities need to adapt to ensure that collaborative working (where adopted) is effective both internally and across joint activities.

For collaborative approaches to be most effective, the internal business processes and must be embedded in the management systems of both organisations and harmonised. Each relationship will inevitably have a degree of individuality and the processes of the partners present potential areas of conflict and misunderstanding.

Key benefits: ACI Global and its Stakeholders know that Effective governance of collaborative business relationships will ensure that those required to be involved will be directed and managed through a consistent operating approach. This approach can be articulated with partners and individual adaptations against existing operating practice.

The creation of a joint management process provides clarity for the individuals involved where collaborative working may require changes to existing working practices and responsibilities, which both ACI Global and its Stakeholders understand that if not addressed will likely influence their performance, confidence and subsequently their level of engagement and behavior.

Collaborative Partners Evaluation
On Hold Collaborative arrangements in place Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Satisfactory Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Good Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Excellent

11 - Collaborative competence and behaviour

Statement: ACI Global understands that establishing and developing collaborative behaviour, skills and capabilities will significantly enhance relationships between itself and its stakeholders.

Rationale: For ACI Global and its Stakeholders Fundamental to successful collaboration is the assignment of personnel with the appropriate competence and skills for collaborative working. The competences of the individuals involved will impact on their behaviours. Working in a collaborative venture can significantly challenge many individuals with the result that they do not fully engage or fail to understand the importance of their contribution and their responsibilities within the collaboration.

Key benefits: Senior management commitment from ACI Global and its Stakeholders to collaboration, drives the level of engagement within and across organisational boundaries. Where this is supported by mentoring, coaching and where needed also joint skills development with partners, this not only enhances competence but additionally raises the awareness of the importance of collaborative behaviours to achieve the desired outcomes.

Collaborative Partners Evaluation
On Hold Collaborative arrangements in place Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Satisfactory Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Good Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Excellent

12 - Trust and commitment to mutual benefit

Statement: ACI Global and its Stakeholders are focused on Trust and commitment to mutual benefit which is essential for delivering to the full, potential of the collaborative business relationships.

Rationale: ACI Global understands that to be sustainable over time, organisations need to ensure that the trust in the personal relationships among the individuals working in the collaborative relationship enables them to overcome conflict and adversity. This in turn builds sustainable relationships at both ACI Global and its Stakeholders organisational level.

Key benefits: Both ACI Global and its Stakeholders strive to have confidence that each organisation is also looking out for the interests of partner organisation(s) and of the collaborative venture builds and sustains trust in relationships. There is much to be gained from mutual agreement that each party’s success is a function of everyone’s success.

Collaborative Partners Evaluation
On Hold Collaborative arrangements in place Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Satisfactory Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Good Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Excellent

13 - Value creation

Statement: Both ACI Global and its Stakeholders understand that Value creation is at the core of any collaboration and seeking additional value beyond its initial purpose enables a more sustainable collaborative relationship.

Rationale: ACI Global and its Stakeholder understand that Collaborative operations that fail to have a focus on harnessing their joint capabilities and knowledge to seek out additional value will dilute their full potential. A significant benefit from working closely with other organisations is the ability to share ideas and develop new opportunities. At the same time, a focus on continual improvement is required to ensure the collaborative organisation benefits from and adapts to change.

Key benefits: For ACI Global working with partners brings added insight and as trust builds so does the opportunity to enhance working practices. The integration of a robust value creation process has the extra benefit of encouraging cross organizational interaction in addition to original agreements and supports individuals' engagement, which enhances their behaviors. Creating new value is also a clear indication that the relationship is robust and maturing for both ACI Global and its Stakeholders.

Collaborative Partners Evaluation
On Hold Collaborative arrangements in place Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Satisfactory Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Good Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Excellent

14 - Information and knowledge sharing

Statement: Both ACI Global and its Stakeholders understand appropriate sharing and managing of information and knowledge is a key ingredient to effective collaboration.

Rationale: It is understood by both ACI Global and its Stakeholders that there is significant value in collaborative working so as to ensure the ability of parties to share their knowledge, experience and expertise. Providing clarity and transparency in what needs to be shared and what cannot be shared is essential in achieving the objectives of the relationship, adding value and building trust between the partners. Failure to define this may lead to a reluctance of individuals to fully engage.

Key benefits: Openness between individuals across both ACI Global and its Stakeholders understand boundaries and clarity of access removes potential areas of conflict, builds trust, enhances speed of operation, facilitates appropriate behaviour and enables the creation of new value.

Collaborative Partners Evaluation
On Hold Collaborative arrangements in place Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Satisfactory Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Good Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Excellent

15 - Risk management

Statement: ACI Global and its Stakeholders understand that management of risk is a critical aspect of collaborative relationships because of how threats and opportunities influence individual and organisational behaviors.

Rationale: ACI Global and its Stakeholders understand that effective collaboration depends on both the behaviour of organisations and on the individuals involved. Their attitude to risk is perhaps the most significant influence on how they behave. Risk management processes should address relationship risk in addition to facilitating joint management of risk by ensuring threats and opportunities are managed by those best placed to do so. Collaboration is undertaken to mitigate some risk and drive opportunities while at the same time it can introduce risk.

Key benefits: For both ACI Global and its Stakeholders a joint approach to risk management ensures that, as far as is practical, all business risk is identified, assigned and managed effectively, utilising the resources and capabilities of the partner organisations. Transparency of risk issues has the additional benefit of providing clarity for individuals, which in turn enhances their confidence and subsequently their level of participation.

Collaborative Partners Evaluation
On Hold Collaborative arrangements in place Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Satisfactory Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Good Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Excellent

16 - Relationship measurement and optimisation

Statement: ACI Global and its Stakeholders understand that measuring the health of a collaborative working relationship is crucial to continually improving its performance and capacity to create value and deliver on business objectives of both parties.

Rationale: During the life cycle of any collaborative relationship it is understood by both ACI Global and its Stakeholders that there are continual challenges placed on the relationship, such as changes to the business circumstances of any of the partners, including organisational changes and changes in personnel, together with day-to-day operational issues. Both ACI Global and its stakeholders understand that any of these can affect behaviours and trust and, thus, affect performance. Without knowing how the relationship is performing, the chances of collaborative success become low. Measuring and monitoring on a periodic basis helps to uncover areas for improvement (or opportunities) to optimize performance.

Key benefits: Measuring and monitoring the performance of relationships provides both ACI Global and its Stakeholders with early insights for themselves and their partners to proactively and collaboratively address performance issues throughout the life of the relationship and to optimise performance towards achievement of the joint objectives of both parties.

Collaborative Partners Evaluation
On Hold Collaborative arrangements in place Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Satisfactory Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Good Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Excellent

17 - Exit strategy

Statement: ACI Global and its Stakeholders understand that an agreed exit strategy removes uncertainty and enhances joint engagement between both parties.

Rationale: It is understood by both ACI Global and its Stakeholders that most business relationships will eventually reach an end, either on the planned completion of an activity or beforehand for any reason. Evaluating the end game for any collaboration is crucial for organisations to consider before venturing into such an arrangement but also to ensure that those involved, and the partners understand the rules of disengagement whether upon completion or prematurely.

Key benefits: Both ACI Global and its Stakeholders understand that defining an exit strategy will vary depending on the business objectives and the nature of the partners involved. Considering the exit strategy early in the process will highlight factors that may need to be addressed through the engagement process and into operations. The behaviour of individuals within those partner organisations will to some extent be influenced by how they perceive the end of any given engagement. Understanding the rules and parameters for disengagement will provide clarity and confidence to engage appropriately.

Collaborative Partners Evaluation
On Hold Collaborative arrangements in place Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Satisfactory Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Good Collaborative arrangements Annual Review Excellent

Note 1: The obligations in this Collaborative Partners Evaluation are binding on all parties to achieve compliance to each undertaking and to ensure provision of the highest levels of skill for Industry and Business and Sustained Success for all parties.

Note 2: It is understood by both parties that this relationship management plan is reviewed annually.

Signed on behalf of the Alliance Partner Signed on behalf of ACI Global
Signature:............................. Signature:.............................
Name: ............................ Name:............................
Date of signing: ............................ Date of signing:............................